Aquarius Tarot Card Meaning

Aquarius tarot card meaning
Aquarius' Tarot Card: The Star Your card, The Star, focuses on your optimism. When you wish on the stars, you really believe you can achieve your heart's desires. Your job in this world is to convince others they can too, thereby helping to lead them home in a spiritual sense.
What is Aquarius ruled by?
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation, technology, and surprising events. Uranus perfectly mirrors Aquarius' distinctive attitude, complementing the nontraditional nature of these visionary air signs. Aquarians are big thinkers, but mustn't forget their immediate surroundings.
Is The Star tarot card Aquarius?
In astrology, the Star card is associated with the planet Uranus and Aquarius zodiac sign.
What's the color for Aquarius?
Aquarius (January 20–February 18): Blue Aquarius is an imaginative air sign associated with the sky and the color blue.
What are Aquarians attracted to?
Aquarius tends to be very attracted to those who are well-read and well-informed culturally as well as politically, taking almost immediate interest in those who can freely flex their cerebral muscles. However, Aquarius natives detest a know-it-all, firmly believing that one never stops learning through a lifetime.
Are Aquarians loyal?
Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means they're loyal, independent, and stubborn as hell…not exactly a recipe for getting along with the two other notoriously stubborn fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio.
What are the 3 types of Aquarius?
But, in honor of the Water Bearer's solar season, we're exploring four key varieties of the Aquarian personality. ... The 4 Types Of Aquarians You'll Meet In Your Life
- of 4. The Mingler. The Mingler.
- of 4. The Futurist. The Futurist. ...
- of 4. The Contrarian. The Contrarian. ...
- of 4.
What is Aquarius soulmate?
1. Aquarius Soulmate Sign: Gemini. When an Aquarian finds someone as thirsty for knowledge as themselves, they cannot resist but fall in love with them. Gemini is one of those signs which makes an Aquarius best match because of their thirst for knowledge. Along with that, their level of intellect also matches.
Who do Aquarius usually marry?
Aquarius tends to gravitate towards the more independent signs, and Aries just happens to be one of the most independent signs in the zodiac. Aquarius will be attracted to Aries' passion and drive and will fall in love once they realize how open-minded and non-judgmental Aries is.
Why does The Star represent Aquarius?
Babylonian astronomers identified the constellation as representing the god Ea, or "The Great One," which was often pictured with an overflowing vessel. In ancient Egypt, the water bearer's jar was said to cause the spring overflow of the Nile when it was dipped into the river.
What month is an Aquarius?
In astrology, Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about January 20 to about February 18.
Do you cleanse tarot cards?
Each time you pick it up for a reading. That's right—to ensure the most accurate of readings, Magdaleno actually recommends cleansing your deck every time you do a reading. "Whether it's for someone else, or yourself," she says, "it's always best to start with a cleanse to clear the cards for your reading."
What is an Aquarius power?
Aquarius is associated with the eleventh house in astrology, which is all about our communities, friendship groups, and the power of collaboration. This gives Aquarians the uncanny ability to step out of the realm of the personal and look at the world from a more objective and communal point of view.
What is Aquarius lucky number?
Lucky number: 3, 9 and 2 are the lucky numbers for an Aquarius according to Numerology Calculator.
What should Aquarius avoid?
Aquarians hate pettiness in anyone. This is one zodiac that truly believes in “live and let live” Be careful not to not nit - pick or be tight-fisted around them – they will lose all respect for you – worse they will refuse to be associated with you.
Who will Aquarius fall in love with?
An Aquarius will appreciate a Leo's friendliness and warmth, and these two may love mingling with people and expanding their social circle together. Taurus is another sign that Aquarius finds attractive. Taurus is very calm and patient, and they have a grounding energy that Aquarius likes to be around.
What is Aquarius love language?
Aquarius love language: Activism (Acts of Service) And the key to your heart is not just making a big donation or showing up to a huge protest, it's doing little things every single day that make a difference. Your love language is activism and you're ready to join your lover in changing the world.
Who is Aquarius's bestfriend?
Top top: Aquarius have the greatest compatibility with Gemini, Leo and Libra's.
What age will Aquarius find love?
Aquarius, although you have your doubts about falling in love, you'll find your soulmate at an early age of 22. You'll probably settle for someone who you can trust and bond with. You want someone who can accept you for the way you are and someone who can understand your need for space and freedom.
Are Aquarius meant to be single?
For them, relationships are more like restrictions that take away one's space and limit them to their partner's feelings. Aquarians take their own time in building trust. They cannot be bound by the concepts of romance and emotions. Therefore, when they are single, they feel they are more free and lively.
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