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Venus Dasha

➕Venus mahadasha starts right after the 7years of detachment, confinement, loneliness, spiritual struggling so even a bad Venus gives a relief of some kind due to sudden shift in life which feels quite peaceful for a while. ➕Venus dasha gives some or the other addiction of pleasure you can say it wrong pleasure too.

How do you know if Venus is strong or weak?

Common Signs Of Having A Weak Venus Placement In Horoscope

  • Persistent financial issues.
  • Obstacles in finding a partner for marriage.
  • Problematic married life.
  • Lack of cleanliness.
  • Menstruation issues.
  • Lack of happiness in life.
  • Multiple debts.
  • Health issues like eye or skin problems.

What happens in shukra Mahadasha?

Mahadasha of Venus Venus Mahadasha lasts for 20 years. It's the planet with the longest time period amongst other planets in the entire Dasha cycle. Also called Shukra, Venus is a highly beneficial planet, giving loads of comforts and materialistic gains.

Which Dasha is good for marriage?

The 7th house" s Dasha depicts the time of marriage, but along with that, the Dashas of the first, second, fifth, and ninth house also helps to give the results related to this. After planets, the second main aspect is the dual transit of Saturn and Jupiter.

How can we make Venus strong?

Another significant remedy for planets in Vedic astrology is the chanting of mantras. Improve the good effects of Venus by reciting Venus Beej (Seed) Mantra - “Aum Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah” 108 times daily. Wear Shukra yantras to achieve auspicious results for Venus. Wear silver ornaments and perfumes.

What comes after Venus mahadasha?

There are at least 43 different dasha systems. "Dasha" is the major period of a planet as |Venus Mahadasha'''']],Mars Mahadasha,Sun Mahadasha,Moon Mahadasha,Rahu Mahadasha,Jupiter Mahadasha,Ketu Mahadasha,Saturn Mahadasha,Mercury Mahadasha,Vimsottari Dasha.

Which planet is for beauty?

Considered a “benefic" planet, Venus has long been considered auspicious, which explains why the ancient Romans named this planet after the goddess of love, beauty, and money.

Which metal is good for Venus?

Wearing Copper Venus is the planet of love, beauty, romance, erotic things, flowers, and pleasure. It draws a direct impact on the veins of the body. In such a situation, wearing copper jewelry brings positive results like proper blood pressure and blood count.

Which stone is for Shukra?

Opal along with Diamond is very effective astrological gemstone for Venus (Shukra) Planet. Opal is astrological gemstone of Venus - Shukra planet.

What are the benefits of Shukra Dasha?

Shukra Mahadasha can make you a creative person, an artist of great calibre. You can be very successful in your career during this Mahadasha automatically. It can help you to regain anything that you have lost during the last dasha. Relationships can alter and love affairs can bloom during this Mahadasha.

What happens if Shukra is strong?

Strong Venus: If Venus is strong in your horoscope and conjoined with other planets, you can enjoy the good company of opposite sex. Your married life will be good and full of all kinds of comforts. You may get married early. You would be able to maintain the harmony with everyone.

How do I know if my Venus is Benefic or malefic?

Jupiter, Venus is seen as natural benefics while the auspiciousness of the Moon and Mercury depends upon the planets conjunct them. If they are conjuncting benefics, they will turn benefics, and if they are conjuncting malefics, they will behave as malefics. So they are neither benefics nor malefics.

At what age Venus gives marriage?

9. Venus in the 2nd house and 8th lord is in conjunction with Mars gives marriage at the age of 22 or 27. 10.

Which dasha is good for relationship?

There are certain dasha of planets that are considered favourable for establishing love relationships. Out of all these dasha, the dasha of Venus is considered to be the best and most favourable in terms of love and marriage. Venus is the karaka of intimacy and relationships.

Which planet gives success after marriage?

Generally, in men's chart placement of Jupiter is important and placement of Venus in women is important. Good placement of these planets, in their chart would help you in overall gains through marriage.

What food makes Venus stronger?

Planet Venus

  • Venus rules the Libra and Taurus zodiac sign.
  • If you possess strong Venus, you shall like honey, sweet potato, etc. ...
  • Eating food prepared with ghee will increase the energy of Venus in your chart. ...
  • Weak Venus might lead to issues related to sexuality and the opposite gender.

What happens if Shukra is weak?

The native with an ill-placed Shukra will also suffer business losses, build debt and will also experience defame in personal or professional lives. Other bad effects include: Loss through gambling and race. Intoxication.

Which planet is responsible for love marriage?

Love, marriage and romance are governed by Planet Venus. This is a planet which is responsible for the success or failure in your love life. Venus governs marital prospects of men, and women's prospects are governed by Mars and Jupiter. Sun is another planet which plays an important part in the female's chart.

Which Antardasha is good in Venus mahadasha?

Moon Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha When these two watery feminine energies collide under an Antardasha, the native becomes fond of artistic pursuits and beauty such as music, flowers, fragrances, fine arts, etc. Both these planets are tender, feminine, and benefic but exact results differ from chart to chart.

Which day is good for first menstruation astrology?

In astrology the auspicious time of first menstruation is according to shloka. आद्यं रज, शुभम माघ मर्णराद्येष फाल्गुने। ज्येष्ठ श्रावणयोः शुक्ले सद्धारे सतनौ दिवा।। श्रुति भय मृटुक्षिप ध्रुवस्वातौ सितांबरे।

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