Dasha Calculator

Dasha calculator
This 120 years cycle has been divided into 9 parts and every part is allocated to certain planet in astrology in order to rule over it. According to this method, the average age of humans are considered as 120 years so that one may get the Dasa of every planet in his lifespan.
How can I find my Dasa Bhukti?
The Dasa bhukti periods are shown on the dasa calculator to help determine the positive and negative effects of planetary movements. According to the rasi (Moon's position), house or bhava, combinations like yogas or raja yogas, and aspects, such as Drishti, these effects will manifest.
How do I check my Dasha and Antardasha?
Calculation of Dasha and Antardasha For finding out the time period of the antardasha of a planet, in the dasha of the same, or another planet multiply the years of dasha of the former planet with the years of dasha years of the latter planet. Divide the product by the total years of dasha of all the planets i.e 120.
What is a good Dasha?
Ashtotri dasha is of 108 years while Vimshottari dasha is of 120 years. Apart from this, Yogini Dasha is 36 years old. In all these Dashas, the Vimshottari dasha is considered to be the most effective and acceptable at the present time.
Which Dasha is good for marriage?
The 7th house" s Dasha depicts the time of marriage, but along with that, the Dashas of the first, second, fifth, and ninth house also helps to give the results related to this. After planets, the second main aspect is the dual transit of Saturn and Jupiter.
What is Dasha period?
In Vedic astrology, the term Dasha is used to denote the period of the planets. The period of the planets indicates when good or bad effects are generated by their Sthiti (zodiac sign), house (Bhava), conjunction (Yoga or Raja yoga) or aspects (view or Drishti) according to their location.
How is Dasa Bhukti manually calculated?
Calculation of Antardasha (Apahara or Bhukti)
- 1) To find the apahara (secondary dasha) of Mars during the dasha of Moon. 10 70. —— x 7 = —— years = 7 months.
- 2) To find the apahara (secondary dasha) of Rahu during the dasha of Moon. 10 180. ...
- 3) To find the apahara (secondary dasha) of Saturn during the dasha of Jupiter. 16 304.
How can check Rahu Dasha?
Facial heaviness or witnessing different changes in the face. Especially speaking, changes in the cheek and jaw bone indicates that Rahu Mahadasha is going on in your horoscope/Kundli. Sewerage problems in your house or neighborhood also indicates that there is Rahu Dasha in your horoscope.
What happens in Rahu Mahadasha?
The Rahu Ketu Mahadasha is a state where your astrological signs give you major trouble because of the presence of Rahu and Ketu. The presence gives troubles in life, like delays in work, disputes in family, and love life. All these occur due to the presence of Rahu and Ketu in the house and sign.
What is Dasha balance?
The balance of Dasha in which a person is born indicates the Dasha the soul left the body in the previous birth. The Lagna is the knot between the previous birth and this birth and is also the indicator of the birth's purpose.
How long does Antardasha last?
Here the last closure antardasha belongs to Jupiter and this lasts for 36 months.
What is Kaal Chakra Dasha?
Kaala Chakra Dasha is unanimously proclaimed as the most efficacious directional system, yet even the top ranking astrologers are not using the system consistently because the percentage of correct predictions based exclusively on Kaala Chakra Dasha System has been very low so far.
Which Mahadasha gives success?
Positive Jupiter Mahadasha Effects The positive effects of guru Mahadasha can bring golden moments in your life. There will be endless bliss from the family side, you will be extremely happy in your marital life. You will be highly successful in whatever you choose to do.
Which Dasha is good for education?
Education may gets continued later when the dasa of the 2nd and 4th lord occurs. During the dasa period of the 5th and 9th house lord the the native may get the advantage of even going abroad for studies with scholarship/ stipend.
How long does Rahu Dasha last?
Rahu Mahadasha runs for 18 years. It can bring out both best and worst out of your fate, in personal life or otherwise.
Which Dasha is good for relationship?
There are certain dasha of planets that are considered favourable for establishing love relationships. Out of all these dasha, the dasha of Venus is considered to be the best and most favourable in terms of love and marriage. Venus is the karaka of intimacy and relationships.
At what age Rahu gives marriage?
These people having Rahu in seventh house would face some difficulties in getting married and would also have some hurdles in the conjugal path besides this, it would not be good for these natives to get married before 21yrs of age.
Which DASA is not good for marriage?
Only vimshottary dasha related to the seventh house is not the tool to predict the timing of the marriage. Many important things have to be read in the horoscope carefully. Only vimshottary dasha related to the seventh house is not the tool to predict the timing of the marriage.
Which Dasa comes after Ketu?
Venus - 20 years. Coming after Ketu dasa, Marriage is often a theme in Venus dasas or a marriage that has more loving qualities of Venus. Wealth is also an important theme as are Women, children and other people in general.
Which day is good for first menstruation astrology?
In astrology the auspicious time of first menstruation is according to shloka. आद्यं रज, शुभम माघ मर्णराद्येष फाल्गुने। ज्येष्ठ श्रावणयोः शुक्ले सद्धारे सतनौ दिवा।। श्रुति भय मृटुक्षिप ध्रुवस्वातौ सितांबरे।
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